Articles and manuals on irrigation, drainage and land rehabilitation

Theoretical drainage and
Below one can find references to lecture notes, scientific articles, software manuals, and project reports that are shown in PDF format.
They are free for all kinds of use.

Eleven articles (nr. 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22 ) were officially published before, the other texts are new.

More articles can be found on the "reports & cases" pages.

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The articles are arranged y subject: (A) Drainage,   (B) Salinity modelling,   (C) Irrigation,   and (D) Statistics.
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(A) Drainage subjects

1. Agricultural drainage criteria
                    This is a book chapter dealing with drainage systems, effects on agriculture, design criteria, water balances (budgets), drainage requirements, and examples in various agro-climatic zones.              
The table of contents may be viewed here.

2. Data analysis in drainage research
              This is a lecture note with examples of application of four software packages on this web site (CumFreq, SegReg, EnDrain and RainOff) and other analysis topics.
View table of contents here.

3. Energy balance of groundwater flow
              This is copy of an article published earlier. It gives physical theory of groundwater hydraulics.
View abstract.

4. Application of the energy balance of groundwater flow to ditch drains.
          This is an article giving the mathematical theory and examples of groundwater movement and seepage used in the EnDrain program (see Software on this website). (view abstract)

Wheatbelt figure
Waterlogging and salinity due to irrigation in the wheatbelt
of W. Australia

drainage pumping station
A pumping station in The Netherlands to drain excess water from a polder.
5. Well spacing equations for subsurface drainage of agricultural land by pumped wells
                    This paper can be used as a manual of the WellDrain program (see the software page).
For information on well pumping tests for aquifer properties visit the same page.

6. Determining hydraulic conductivity of soils
                    This is a book chapter dealing with the determination of the saturated hydraulic conductivity or permeability of soils using small and large scale methods
The table of contents may be viewed here.

7. Agricultural land drainage a wider application through caution and restraint
              From: Annual Report 1991, p. 9 - 21. ILRI, Wageningen, The Netherlands
This article emphasizes environmentally wise use.

8. Rainfall-runoff relations of a small valley
                    This is an article on the use of the RainOff model for the rainfall-runoff relations in a small valley in Sierra Leone published in the International Journal of Environmental Science.

9. Subsurface drainage equations using the full energy balance of
    groundwater flow in layered and/or anisotropic soils.

This is an article on the use of the steady state EnDrain model for subsurface land drainage published in the International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry. For comparison an article on both steady and non-steady state drainage, using both EnDrain and RainOff can be read over here

10. The study of effects of drainage on agriculture.

                    This is an article on the analysis as given in the title. In: Land Reclamation and Water Management, p. 160 - 170. Publ.27, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), Wageningen, The Netherlands.

11. Agricultural Criteria for Subsurface Drainage: a Systems Analysis.
                    This is an article on the drainage criteria and design standards. Published in the journal: Agricultural Water Management, 14 (1988), 79-90.

(B) Salinity modelling

12. SaltMod manual
                    This manual gives a description of the Saltmod model (see software page) for the leaching (flushing) of saline (salt affected) soils, including its principles, user menu, and case studies.
See table of contents

13. SaltMod application
      This is a proceedings paper called: "SaltMod, a tool for the interweaving of irrigation and drainage for soil salinity control".

14. SahysMod manual
                    This manual gives a description of the SahysMod model (see software page) including its principles, user menu, and case studies
SahysMod is a combination of Saltmod and a mathematical (numerical) groundwater model simulating flow and salinity in confined, unconfined and semiconfined (leaky)aquifers. See table of contents

15. LeachMod application
                    LeachMod is designed to compute the soil salinity in experimental fields allowing time steps of 1 day to 1 month and using the leaching efficiency as an important soil parameter. An article on this subject appeared in the International Journal of Environmental Science dealing with the reclamation of saline heavy clay soils. The paper van be viewed with this link.

(C) Irrigation subjects
Baluch nomads
Water is scarce for Baluch nomads due to irrigation developments

16. Effectiveness and social/environmental impacts of irrigation projects
                    From: Annual Report 1988, p. 18-34. ILRI, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
17. Water harvesting and agricultural land development options in the NWFR
                    This article discusses the spate irrigation problems and potential in Pakistan.
18. Impacts of the irrigation improvement projects, Egypt
                    This report was prepared for the Egyptian-Dutch Advisory Panel on Land Drainage and Drainage Related Water Management and discusses water and salt balances.

(D) Statistical subjects

19. Frequency analysis in hydrology
                    This is a book chapter dealing with the cumulative frequency analysis of hydrologic phenomena including log-normal (lognormal) and Gumbel distributions giving confidence belts and discussing return periods (recurrence intervals).            
The table of contents may be viewed here.
An article on the use of the binomial distribution for the determination of confidence intervals and belts for cumulative probability distributions can be downloaded from this place, while a summary of it can be found over here

20. Regression analysis for water table, soil salinity plant growth and crop production
              This is a book chapter dealing with the principles of linear regression analysis (least squares method) including confidence statements and segmented regression using a breakpoint.
The table of contents may be viewed here.

21. Crop tolerance to soil salinity, statistical analysis of data measured in farm lands.
              This is an article published in the International Journal of Agricultural Science in which 8 crops in three tropical countries (Egypt, India and Pakistan) are studied.

22. Crop tolerance to shallow water tables, statistical analysis of data measured in farm lands.
              This is an article published in the International Journal of Agricultural Science in which 4 crops in 4 tropical countries (Australia, Egypt, England, and Surinam) are studied.

23. Generalized and composite probability distributions
              This is an article published in the International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods in which the CumFreq and CumFreqA models are used.

24. The versatilty of the generalized logistic probability distribution demonstrated with examples
              This is an article entered in the ResearchGate website in which the usefulness of this distribution that can be symmetrical, skew to the left, or skew to the right depending on the exponent to which the data values are raised.

25. Methods to evaluate crop salt tolerance from field trials, a critical review of the Salt Farm Texel article. See: crop tolerance to soil salinity
              The Salt Farm Texel has published a paper in the journal "Agricultural water management", written by G. van Straten et al. and entitled: "An improved methodology to evaluate crop salt tolerance from field trials", on line: Salt Farm Texel. This article employs the Maas-Hoffman and van Genuchten models which actually are both not applicabe to the data sets given. The van Genuchten model is unjustifiably recommended. The paper contains too may flaws to be useful while an improved methodology, mentioned in the title, is not to be found.

26.The field trials in the Salt Farm Texel, The Netherlands, to find the tolerance of potato to soil salinity yield yearly different results.See: potato yield and soil salinity

For viewing and downloading click on any of the 26 blue titles above you wish to select.

More articles can be found on the reports & cases page.
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